Why we invested in Spekit

Brian Murray
Craft Ventures
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2022


First off, the stats were fire. Top-line, cmgr, ndr, burn multiple. All A+.

Then we get to know Melanie and Zari and realized this powerhouse duo will stop at nothing. They’ve built a cult-like movement: unifying symbol 🐙, verbization “just spekit”, and mimetic zeal (see team on LinkedIn). They have fun and hustle hard.

On the surface, Spekit helps people use tools better. But what’s more exciting is how they are doing it. Spekit has built distribution technology for best practices. Vendors like Outreach, thought leaders like John Barrows, internal champions like Sales Enablement teams, and Spekit themselves contribute to a vast corpus of best practices that Spekit smartly surfaces to the right user at the right time in the right place. The result: Spekit customers don’t just get more out of their tools, they do their jobs in the best way possible.

One of the slides we used in our reverse pitch to Melanie & Zari

We conducted our standard 2 second Craft TAM analysis and concluded it’s “all knowledge workers.” Check.

Spekit customers unanimously gushed about the impact the product has made on their business and their excitement for what’s ahead. They felt like they were a part of an emergent community — exactly what we look for in a rising category creator.

Great stats, dogged founders, lively culture, happy customers, UGC network effects, big market = easy decision. In cases like this, the VCs are the ones doing the pitching.

The Craft and Spekit teams hit it off because we’re all SaaS nerds, we love talking about distribution, and we like to win.

To Melanie, Zari and the entire Spekit crew: thanks for having Craft on the journey. We’re honored to partner with you 🐙🐙🐙

